The Automated Workplace
The future workforce is already here.
HR Technology and Workplace Automation are on a fast track and there must be a new focus on helping your employees and your company transition. No matter who is on your team, we can help people and/or their organizations strategize about how to engage with technology and the workforce changes that automation will bring. Even in environments where talent is both scarce and scared, our research-based framework helps to focus on worker attitudes and perspectives within the changing organizational environment. Let’s talk about your success strategies to handle the coming changes effectively.
Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCU) have contributed to the US workforce for almost 200 years.
Apple goes hybrid and some workers are quitting.
That image is NOT Kamala Harris and I should have published this in October 2020.
Most people don’t thank HR because they don’t know what we do.
Technology Disruption is Unavoidable
Rest assured that we know more about the future of work than we think. There is comfort in that.